The learning you want, where and when you want it.
With a history of 100 years of delivering adult community education, the WEA offers a unique learning experience in tune with the needs of our community. Every year dozens of community groups, voluntary organisations, unions and employers choose the WEA for its high quality and personalised provision.
From ICT to basic maths, from conflict management to creative crafts, from sign language to business enterprise, we have a course to suit you or your organisation. To see the courses available click here.
To discuss your learning or training needs please contact Kelly Barbour who'll be delighted to help you access or design a package to suit your requirements.
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Latest News
Petals of Hope Exhibition
Omagh Library: 1, Spillars Place Omagh Co Tyrone BT78 1HL. Date: 20th March 2014 at 7.00pm The original Petals of Hope Project took the floral tributes to the dead and injured of the Omagh bomb and turned them into works of art. Over the past few months, several o [ ... ]
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Body Wisdom - A Dance Project for the Over 50's
Body Wisdom is a dance project for the over 50's and is run by Workers' Educational Association in partnership with Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company since 2009. Forget about needing to be young and athletic. In this project the wisdom and experience written into the bones, m [ ... ]
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Men Learning through Life
Following the All Right Lads? Conference last week Professor Barry Golding, President of the Australian Men’s Sheds Association and Dr Rob Mark, University of Strathclyde launched a book ‘Men Learning through Life’. Concerns about men’s attitudes to and involvement in [ ... ]
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