WEA AGM 2012 PDF Print E-mail

The WEA AGM 2012

will be on Friday 16th November, 2012 at Malone House, Barnett Demesne, Belfast


Registration will be from 10.00 am and the meeting itself will begin at 10.30 am.  I enclose the formal notice, a request for resolutions, and delegate forms.

Our guest speaker this year is Mark Langhammer, Director, Northern Ireland Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), & Association of Managers in Education (AMiE) and his talk is entitled Addressing educational underachievement in working class areas.

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Official AGM 2012 Documents

Wordicon Agenda 2012 Wordicon
Formal Notice 2012
Wordicon Formal Notice Letter 2012
Wordicon Nomination forms for Learning Centre Affiliated Organisation 2012
Wordicon Delegates Form 
Learning Centres 2012
Wordicon Delegates Form 
Affiliates 2012
Wordicon Resolution Form
Individual/ Learner 2012
Wordicon Resolution Form
Learning Centres/ Affiliates 2012
WEA Individual Members List 2012
Individual Learner nomination form 2012
Wordicon AGM Letter RE: Resolutions 2012 Wordicon AGM Invitation 2012