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Digital Photography - Introduction/ Intermediate PDF Print E-mail

Digital Photography - Introduction/ Intermediate
Level: Introduction – Level 1
Intermediate – Level 2
Awarding Body: OCNNI
Length: 20 hours at each level
Entry Requirements: Introduction  - None
Intermediate - Digital Photography Level 1 or equivalent underpinning knowledge/skills
Breif Outline of Course Content: More and more people are now using digital as opposed to SLR cameras. While some skills such as composition are shared, there are many aspects of digital technology that differ. This beginners’ course will build basic confidence and competence and can be followed by our intermediate course, which takes some aspects of digital camera use to a greater depth.
Course Description: The Beginners course will give participants a basic understanding of the equipment required for digital photography, how to use the camera properly and effectively, how to take a competent digital photograph, how to transfer the image to a computer and how to use the basics of Photoshop

The Intermediate course will go into more depth on the topics outlined above and introduce new elements such as planning and designing a portfolio and composing an attractive photograph
Who is it for? At Introductory level the course is for anyone wanting to acquire an understanding of the basics of digital photography.  At Intermediary level it is for anyone with a basic knowledge who wants to further their understanding of digital photography


  1. To introduce learners to the concepts of digital photography
  2. To look at a range of suitable equipment
  3. To consider the hardware and software required to process photographs using a computer
  4. To compose digital photographs

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Tags: Multimedia Level 2


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