The project will run for 5 years and will engage up to 5,000 of the most disadvantaged older people in classes designed to meet their needs. Courses currently on offer include computers, arts and crafts, personal development and reminiscence. New courses being developed include planning for retirement, money management in older age and re-skilling for work in later life. The project is supported by The Atlantic Philanthropies.

Renowned local actress, and older learner herself, Olivia Nash (Ma from Give My Head Peace), helped to launch the WEA’s Learning Age project in the Verbal Arts Centre, Derry/Londonderry on 12th November. Olivia coached some talented local older people to perform a dramatic piece illustrating the benefits of learning. We were also delighted to have Derry City Council’s Deputy Mayor, Maurice Devenney, present.
Colin Neilands, WEA Director, explains the importance of the Learning Age Project:
"We have been involved in researching the benefits of learning in later life for some time now. Bringing together academic research and our experience of working with older people across Northern Ireland, we believe that taking part in learning can help reduce isolation, keep the body active, stimulate the mind, pass on new skills and even contribute to better health.
Current government policy concentrates almost exclusively on young people which has unfortunately meant that there are fewer and fewer opportunities for older people to take part in affordable and suitable learning. Through this project, the WEA will directly address the lack of educational opportunities available by providing a programme of learning designed with older people in mind.”
The project’s aims are:
To run a programme of courses tailored to the needs and interests of older people
To contribute to a self-help learning culture where older people take control of their learning
To measure and evaluate the positive impact that learning has in later life
- To lobby for mainstream support of later life learning.
LAP developed out of a previous pilot project known as Older People Learning. If would like more information about the project please contact Carolyn Hale (Belfast) 9032 9718
or Sinead Devine (Derry/Londonderry) 7136 9947
Latest Project News
"Still here...always have been" Seminar 04/02/13
Written by Sinead Devine |
Friday, 14 December 2012 11:06 |
The Workers' Educational Association presents:
Still here.... always have been.
(Part of the Me, Myself, I Project)
Monday 4th February 2013
Verbal Arts Centre,
Stable Lane and Mall Wall Bishop Street Within, Derry/Londonderry
Registration: 9.00am – 9.30am
1.00pm finishing with light lunch
Entrance to Seminar is free
A Seminar raising awareness about identity and issues affecting older LGBT people (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people). For those working in the Age Sector, Health and Social Care Sector, Managers and Care Workers in Day Care, Residential Care, Hospitals, Hospices, Older People's Services, Nurses and Social Workers
Workers supporting LGBT groups
Funded By |
In Partnership With |
Written by Sinead Devine |
Tuesday, 28 August 2012 14:00 |
The Workers’ Educational Association
in partnership with
Me, Myself, I/Take 2
A photography project for the over 50's LGBT community
The Learning Age Team Promote Adult learning - New Sustainability Guide for Senior Groups
Written by Carolyn Largey |
Thursday, 17 May 2012 13:40 |

How do senior groups support and sustain learning within their groups in today’s difficult funding environment? The Learning Age team have developed a new Learning Sustainability Guide to help older people take control of their own learning and create a learning culture where later life learning is an integral part of the group’s activities.
It is now widely recognised that later life learning encourages people to come out and learn with others and develop new skills. Classes and activities for older people help to increase confidence whilst socialising and learning helps to ease isolation and helps make new friendships. However, the recent economic climate is making the sustainability of later life learning more difficult than ever before.
This LAP Sustainability Guide has been developed in collaboration with older learners and groups in the ageing sector and is intended to provide advice and support to older adults wishing to organise their own learning activities.
Colin Men get Creative for Adult Learners Week
Written by Carolyn Largey |
Thursday, 17 May 2012 10:37 |

A group of men from the Colin area are taking part in a joint project with the WEA’s Learning Age Project and the Colin Neighbour Partnership. The men from the Colin Men’s Group will work with WEA tutor and artist Charlie Bosanquet to design and produce a bespoke chandelier made with fused coloured glass and recycled glass for Cloona House Entrance Hall.
Many of the men in the group have experienced extreme personal difficulties and have overcome many obstacles in life. They have found a renewed sense of hope through joining the men’s group and they wish to take part in a project which will highlight the journey many of them have made for a very dark place into the light.
The project is both of a creative and social relevance. It will help support the men in acquiring new skills or deploy and enhance existing ones in a shared creative endeavour. The concept of ‘from the darkness into the light’ comes from the men themselves and they believe the chandelier will be a symbol of their progress and the life experiences that has brought them to this point.
By displaying it in Cloona House – the hub of the local community- they hope it will act as a symbol of hope and the power of working together in the community, not only for the men’s group but for the community as a whole.
Written by Sinead Devine |
Friday, 20 April 2012 14:22 |

Body Wisdom recently performed their latest dance piece Views from the Hill at the Millennium Forum Studio to great acclaim.
Body Wisdom is the unique dance project which offers older people the opportunity to train and develop dance work under the gentle guidance of Steve Batts, Artistic Director of Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company. The project began under the Learning Age Project initially as a training and skills build programme. The idea of the project, as Steve puts it, is to
"Draw on the deep wisdom embedded in the experienced physicality of older people. Often the emphasis on dance is placed on the athlecticism of young dancers. Here being older is to the advantage. It is something as an older dancer now in my fifties that I am particularly interested in"
Film Project for Adult Learners Week
Written by Sinead Devine |
Friday, 20 April 2012 13:57 |

Two drama groups under the Learning Age Project from the North West will be developing a new film project during Adult Learners Week. my guest is a play about bogus callers which was originally funded by the community Safety Partnership (Derry City Council) and The Atlantic Philanthropies. The play and tour of the performance has been so successful that the CSP have invited the WEA to film the play. The two theatre companies involved; Top Women and The Happy Go Luckies have emerged from the Learning Age Project. Both companies now have quite a reportoire of plays and performances under their belt within the last four years of LAP.
Written by Michael Glover |
Friday, 30 September 2011 14:25 |

The Workers' Educational Association has offered education projects catering specifically for the needs of older learners aged 50+ for many years and the Learning Age Project (LAP) is our latest programme funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies.
The Workers' Educational Association has collaborated with Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company over the years to create many wonderful dance projects together and we are delighted to announce that "Body Wisdom" - a dance course with a difference is now extending its programme with new funding from the BBC Performing Arts Fund. "Body Wisdom" has run successfully over the past three years with a beautiful performance "Mapping Memories" in April this year.
Starts: 21st October 2011
Runs for: 6 Friday morning - 12 Noon.
Venue: Echo Echo Dance Studio
Body Wisdom is a dance project designed specifically for those aged 50+ and rather than age being against you in terms of movement, it is used to your advantage to help inform the movement taking place.
Written by Sinead Devine |
Thursday, 19 May 2011 10:42 |

The WEA were invited by Age NI to be a partner on a recent exciting digital storytelling project entitled: "Stories of our Age".
The project was aimed at older people living rurally and to give them the opportunity of having their voices heard on issues affecting them as they grew older. It also offered them the chance to develop some new skills using digital technology. This was not a prospect the participants were particularly looking forward to as many did not have much experience of working with computers. However with patience and perseverance, all the participants on the project developed a wonderful digital story. One participant has recently received a new lap top from her family and is delighted that she can now use it to create other digital stories for them.
New Dynamics of Learning & Age Conference
Written by Michael Glover |
Tuesday, 17 May 2011 09:09 |
The Association for Education and Ageing, Age Action Ireland &
Workers' Educational Association N I
& The New Dynamics of Ageing
Research Programme UK

present an international conference 20-22 March 2012
at the National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), Dublin
Same Old Moon Rising in the Millennium Forum
Written by Sinead Devine |
Wednesday, 04 May 2011 00:00 |

The Learning Age Project the WEA programme of learning for the over 50’s is proud to present two of its premiere drama groups in a production of Same Old Moon.
This is a joint production between Top Women from the Top of the Hill and The Happy Go Luckies from Creggan. Top Women formed in 2008 and have worked on two devised presentations using stories and memories from their own lives. They have also performed at conferences and at the WEA’s AGM.
The Happy Go Luckies were formed in 2009 and presented “One hundred Pounds to A Penny” – a true story of smuggling and intrigue from the war years, presented to the group by Josie McLaughlin one of the Happy’s members. They have also performed at open days in the community.

Mary Duddy WEA Tutor directs the dress rehearsal of Same Old Moon.
Written by Sinead Devine |
Thursday, 07 April 2011 09:19 |

WEA's Learning Age Project has linked up in partnership once again with Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company to create a wonderful unique dance project under the title "Body Wisdom". Participants have attended two courses as part of the LAP programme and it was decided this year to offer the participants the opportunity to create a new performance entitled "Mapping Memories". The performance took place in the Foyle Arts Centre Dance Studio at UU Magee on Saturday 2nd April.
The Full Performance and Making of Videos can be found below:
Music Project hits TOP NOTES
Written by Sinead Devine |
Wednesday, 26 January 2011 15:57 |
Top Notes our music programme under the Learning Age Project for Older People certainly hit a high note on Monday night, 24th January 2011. The project celebrated all the wonderful musical abilitiy of the participants at a cafe style event held at the Verbal Arts Centre.
From October last year, participants on the TOP NOTES project have been working on learning and playing music as well as singing and more recently song writing with a range of younger players and singers. The project was orginally formulated by musician Martin Coyle from the band Balkan Alien Sound. The project has been funded by Derry City Council and The Atlantic Philanthropies. The performance evening hosted a wide range of music and songs with the participants playing to a packed house and both audience and participants alike really enjoyed the experience.
Planning For Retirement Programme
Written by Michael Glover |
Wednesday, 19 January 2011 14:26 |
Thinking of Retirement?
Worried about what to do with your time?
Worried about coping with a reduction in income?
Want to know what’s available in your area?
Then check out the
“Memory of Place” A Dance Performance Project for Age 50+
Written by Michael Glover |
Thursday, 16 December 2010 14:40 |
WEA and Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company present
“Memory of Place”
A Dance Performance Project for Age 50+


Members of Body Wisdom with Learning Age Development Officer Sinead Devine
And Dancer Steve Batts (Artistic Director of Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company)
The Learning Age Project (LAP) caters specifically for the needs of our older learners aged 50+. WEA has collaborated with Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company over the years to create many wonderful projects together. The latest on the LAP project is “Body Wisdom” - a dance course with a difference. The course is specifically for those aged 50+ and rather than age being against you in terms of movement, it is used to your advantage to help inform the movement taking place. Now there is a new opportunity to develop this project to create an original dance performance piece.
Written by Sinead Devine |
Wednesday, 15 December 2010 13:28 |
TOP NOTES - a music project for older people has been running all term with great success.
Creggan Celebrates Older Age Project
Written by Sinead Devine |
Wednesday, 15 December 2010 12:46 |
The Old Library Trust Health For Life Project recently celebrated their older age projects with a wonderful display of work and performance, some of which was run in conjuntion with the WEA Learning Age Project.
Written by Michael Glover |
Thursday, 02 September 2010 14:43 |
A Music Project for those aged 50+
The Workers' Educational Association is offering free places on a unique music project aimed at members of the community aged 50+ based in the Derry City Council area. The City has always had a rich heritage of music ranging from participating in feis festivals or from the vibrant show band era to ongoing beautiful church and choir music.
The WEA is hosting this project due to the feedback from their Learning Age Project where it was realized there was an untapped potential of older musicians and singers who had less opportunity to create music or perform anymore.
We are looking for up to 10 musicians and 20 singers who are interested in playing music and/or singing. There will also be a song writing element to the project. This is an intergenerational project where the group will work alongside and also be led by younger musicians to learn new skills in digital music technology. (Please note participants will not be expected to have prior knowledge of digital music skills in advance of the project.) All places on the project are offered free of charge. The Project will finish with a performance for the public and two workshop performances with children and youth in schools.
If you can play an instrument or can sing and are interested in participating or hearing more about the project please contact Sinead Devine on 028 7136 9947 or email to register your interest. We really look forward to hearing from you.
This project is funded by Derry City Council and The Atlantic Philanthropies
Top Women continue to "Tell Their Story"
Written by Sinead Devine |
Friday, 14 May 2010 09:31 |
Drama is a wonderful medium to elicit stories from the community, to value these stories and indeed to present them to others. Last year a group of women under the Learning Age Project chose drama as their medium for continued learning. This has led to a body of work far beyond the group's imagination. Mainly hailing from the "top of the hill, Gobnascale", they called themselves "TOP WOMEN".
More Articles...
Praxis Perform Cinderella
LAP Groups back City of Culture Bid
Happy Go Lucky Rehearsal
Unwrapped Exhibition Launch
Intergenerational Project with Children
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