Don't be my Guest Resources my guest is a play about bogus callers which was originally funded by the community Safety Partnership (Derry City Council) and The Atlantic Philanthropies. The play and tour of the performance has been so successful that the CSP have invited the WEA to film the play. The two theatre companies involved; Top Women and The Happy Go Luckies have emerged from the Learning Age Project. Both companies now have quite a reportoire of plays and performances under their belt within the last four years of LAP.
"Don't Be My Guest" Feedback Sheet
"Don't Be My Guest" Guide for DVD
Don't Be My Guest DVD Video
Digital Story Telling
Digital storytelling refers to a short form of digital media production that allows anyone to share aspects of their life story. "Media" can include the digital equivalent of film techniques (full-motion video with sound), animation, stills, audio only, or any of the other forms of non-physical media (material that exists only as electronic files as opposed to actual paintings or photographs on paper, sounds stored on tape or disc, movies stored on film) which individuals can use to tell a story or present an idea.
It is a relatively new term and practice which has emerged with the advent of accessible media production techniques, hardware and software, including but not limited to digital cameras, digital voice recorders, e.g. iMovie, Windows Movie Maker etc. These new technologies allow individuals to share their stories over the Internet e.g. on YouTube, or keep on discs and other electronic systems.
You can download our guide on how to run such a course below:
Digital Storytelling Guide for Tutors
Portfolio Building - General points to be considered
Here are a few generic points which need to be taken into consideration in preparation of portfolios. You will need to support the students as much as possible with these points. Some students might never have produced a portfolio of learning before. This might be a whole new experience for them so they will need your guidance with this. Think of the portfolio as being a reference of learning for the student to take away from the course, so that they can use it as reference in the future. Is there enough in the folder to enable the student to do more of the skill or remind them of what they did in class? Is the information written in a step by step format? Does it celebrate their achievement?
Allow time in the course which is dedicated to portfolios and include this in your Scheme of Work.
As the course tutor you need to ensure that the following is included in the folders: (Some of these might seem fairly obvious, but these are often what are missing.)
Title Page: Students name, name of centre, course, tutor, start date of course.
Work needs to be current, valid, sufficient and authentic.
Workbooks need to tell the moderator where they can find work (contents page) and therefore needs to be cross referenced to the Learning Outcomes.
Workbooks need to be easy to read; work kept in order and labelled. Candidates should identify techniques, influences etc. "A picture speaks a thousand words" but without a few words, a picture can mean nothing.
If a workbook asks for a specific task to be achieved, make sure request is responded to.
Clean tidy pages in folder
Allow time for folder to be presented
Keep evidence succinct and clear.
Witness statements are to be used if you are recording that a student has achieved a practical task or if for some reason, they can't record the evidence themselves.
Written feedback from you to the student, must be included. This can simply be your initials and date if a task has been completed properly, few directive points/ words to help the learner, or an example that they can follow. Be positive, specific and clear. (Feedback will be addressed in today's session.) Give feedback as you go through the course, not just at the end.
Tutor notes: indicate which of the notes have been presented by the tutor by initialling or putting your name on them and dating when they have been distributed. Supplementary reference notes can be inserted into the back of the learner's folders.
Student notes: the student can do the same with their notes.
Tutors: keep referring and responding to the notes in the course outline.
Handouts: avoid sheets of pages with reams of words and lines. If you must use these, ask your learners to underline, highlight or add their own notes. Think about different approaches to Handouts which would be applicable to your skill area. This indicates that they have read what you have distributed. When making handouts, keep them as interactive as possible by including one of the following:
Spaces for the students to insert comments: words or sentences
Missing blanks
Linking words/pictures etc
Learners Evaluations of their own work: this is often difficult for students to complete but being positive about their work can really affirm their learning and development made through the course. Again, encourage them to be specific about their own feedback. If they "like" what they've made: what do they like about it? Etc.
Creative Courses: Folders should demonstrate a balance between Art and Artesian. Art is the creative aspect: making a new, individual or original item. Artesian brings in the techniques which need to be developed for this particular skill.
Pictures: include a photo of the finished piece at the end of the folder. Don't include the learners face in the photos. Just the work is needed.
Design courses: Another help might be for the student to ask a friend outside of their particular learning environment, to look through their work and see if there is enough information included to explain the development of design ideas, through to the conclusion.
The Learning Cycle: Opening and Closing Sessions
Paperwork! – emphasise maximum completion
What is WEA – distribute postcards, give ref to website, Learner Handbook and Course Catalogue
Tutor introduction of self + overview of course
Learner introductions
Collect learning expectations of group (retain for end session)
Agree any logistical issues e.g. starting/end times, breaks in course etc.
Groundrules/ Group Contract
Evidence for accreditation/qualification
Individual Learning Goals
Group assessment against learning expectations collected in 1st session
Individual assessment against personal learning goals
Where next? (poss progression routes, EGSA)
Deadlines for any outstanding work
Explanation of what happens next re. assessment of work
Learner Evaluation Forms
Celebration of achievement
- It’s easy and useful to combine introductions with the gathering of learners’ expectations of the course
- By recording these expectations on a flipchart the tutor then has a record that can be brought to the closing session and used by the group to assess their progress
- Each learner should also be encouraged to note their personal goals for the course at the beginning and at the end to evaluate their achievement against this
- Groundrules/Group Contract – this is really useful in all classes as it provides a great support when something goes wrong in the group. It doesn’t have to be particularly long and it is ok for tutors to bring a semi-prepared one with them, which can then be talked through and added to as the group wish. Suggestions for the contract would include:
- participation
- punctuality
- agreement around mobile phones
- respecting the diversity that exists in the group
- one person speaking at a time
- actively listening
- take responsibility for own learning
Giving & Receiving Feedback
Download the WEA Powerpoint presentation entitled "Giving & Receiving Feedback" by clicking here
Lifelong Learning - A presentation entitled "Towards new professional standards and qualifications framework. For teachers, tutors and trainers in the lifelong learning sector" by Alan Clarke, National Manager Northern Ireland for Lifelong Learning UK
Click here to download this Powerpoint presentation.
WEA Assessment Guidelines - are now available in Word format and can now be downloaded by clicking here.