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Paths Through The Past 1 PDF Print E-mail
Paths Through The Past 1


Level: Level 2 niocn_new_logo
Awarding Body: OCNNI
Length: 20 hours
Entry Requirements: None        
Cost:  £1200
Breif Outline of Course Content:

Paths Through the Past courses are an introduction to Irish history, designed to provide learners with a basic understanding of the main events, personalities and themes. 

Paths Through the Past 1 covers Irish History from the early pre Christian period through to the Famine.

Course Description:
History is one of the taboo areas frequently avoided in Northern Ireland because of the fear that “things will get out of hand”. Some contest that it would be better to draw a line and forget about the past entirely. However, a knowledge of past events and a sharing of the different perspectives on these events that exist within and between the different communities in Northern Ireland can make a positive contribution towards dispelling myths and ignorance that fuel suspicion and aggression.

Paths through the Past differs from many other history courses in that the emphasis is on discussing present-day perceptions and ramifications of events rather than cramming learners’ heads with facts and figures.  

Part one covers the following topics (see Part 2 for modern Irish History)

Early settlers
Early Christianity
Invasions – Celts & Vikings
Pre-Norman Ireland
Tudor Ireland
The Plantations
Build up to the Battle of the Boyne
Build up to 1798 Rebellion
Act of Union to the Famine
Who is it for? Anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of Irish history and understand the historical background to contemporary events .
  1. Give learners a skeletal knowledge of the major themes in Irish History.
  2. Give learners an opportunity to explore how history has impacted on difference and conflict today
For more info on costs, and to find out which person to contact please click here.
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