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Principled Negotiation Skills PDF Print E-mail
Principled Negotiation Skills


Level: Level 2 niocn_new_logo
Awarding Body: OCNNI
Length: 20 hours
Entry Requirements: None        
Breif Outline of Course Content:

Principled Negotiation Skills is based on the seminal work Getting to Yes written by Bill Ury and Roger Fischer. 

Through theory and practice using local case studies Learners are guided through a structured negotiation model designed to produce agreements that last. 

Course Description:

Negotiation is a part of all our lives, whether it's about who picks up the kids after school or who takes on what tasks at work. It is a crucial element of building collaboration.

As a conflict management approach it works when the parties in dispute are willing and able to meet and communicate with one another directly. Despite, or because, of all our practice our inclination is towards a hard bargaining, win/lose approach.

This course offers an alternative - one where both the ethos and structure of the negotiation approach serve to strengthen communication and relationships. 

Topics covered include

  • Negotiation as a conflict management tool
  • The 7 element model of negotiation
  • Dealing with difficult behaviours
  • Practice based on local scenarios
Who is it for? Anyone can benefit from this course but it would be of particular interest/benefit to: Trade Unions, employers, industrial relations workers, community relations workers or workers in statutory organisations that interface with the business and voluntary sectors.
  1. To familiarise learners with the 7 element model.
  2. To enable learners to negotiate lasting agreements and deals.
  3. To improve learners’ efficiency in reaching agreement.
What they said about the course

“I found the training very practical and it gave me good awareness into how best to approach problem solving when other parties’ interests are involved.  The course gives you the tools and advice needed to approach negotiation with confidence”

Bridgeen Butler, Moyle District Council


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