Peace III

The PEACE III Programme is a distinctive programme part-funded by the European Union (€225 million from the EU with further national contributions of €108 million) through its Structural Funds programme. The full title of the PEACE III Programme is the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland. The programme covers the period 2007-2013.

The main aims of the PEACE III Programme are to reinforce progress towards a peaceful and stable society and to promote reconciliation by assisting operations and projects which help to reconcile communities and contribute towards a shared society for everyone.

The programme is divided into two main priorities. These are:

  • Reconciling Communities
  • Contributing to a Shared Society

It delivers these priorities through “themes” - these themes are:

  • To build positive relations at the local level
  • To acknowledge the past
  • To create shared public spaces
  • To develop key institutional capacity for a shared society

PEACE III follows on from the PEACE I and PEACE II Programmes and will carry forward some of the key aspects of the previous programmes. PEACE III has a renewed emphasis on reconciliation. Like the earlier programmes, it also has a focus on cross-border initiatives.




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